It is important to remember and know that everyone, regardless of their religion or orientation, has rights because they are human. This is the foundation of democracy, which seems clear today. However, LGBT couples face challenges and pressure every day. Even in many European countries, the process of having a child with a surrogate mother is either not regulated by law or is regulated too strictly, up to and including a ban.
So surrogacy for gays is a complex process that should be trusted by professionals. Not only your happiness but also the life and health of your children depend on it. Therefore, you should make every effort to make this process as painless and time-efficient as possible. It is also worth remembering that each stage of the surrogacy journey is extremely emotional and exhausting if you try to do everything yourself. Therefore, involving experts will not only speed up the process but also make the chances of success many times greater.
Table of Contents
How do you know if your country is friendly to gay surrogacy?
This is a perfectly understandable question because this information is usually not common knowledge. Moreover, even the official position of the country, as stated in the law, may be incomplete or superficial. Indeed, only professional lawyers can deal with all the nuances and pitfalls without exception. Therefore, do not rush to make decisions and draw conclusions on your own. We will help you.
What is the difference between surrogacy for gays and heterosexual couples?
The process of surrogacy itself is not allowed in all countries of the world. And what can we say about surrogacy for gay couples? Here, the list of friendly countries is even smaller. This is the main difference and the reason that will complicate the work for non-professionals. But professional agencies always have well-established ways of this process, which they will offer you.
What is the sequence of actions?
To fulfill their dream and give life and love to a child, LGBT people should work carefully according to the following instructions:
- Consultation
- Legal issues
- Search for a surrogate mother
- The process of creating an embryo
- Pregnancy, childbirth, and the process of coming out
How do you take this step?
Yes, there are many problems on the way to the birth of a new life. Sometimes too many. So, when you attend your first consultation, you may well feel confused and overwhelmed by the immensity of everything that lies ahead. But remember that, firstly, you will not do it alone – you will be assisted by professionals. And secondly, just remember the purpose for which all this is happening. This is a real miracle. And, frankly, this miracle is worth all the effort and time. After all, holding your child in your arms, whom you have longed for and wanted so much, is a feeling that cannot be expressed in words. It is worth living for.